What is NETORARE ( 寝取られ ) ?
NETORARE ( 寝取られ ) also named just like "NTR" ( Abbreviation ) is a genre of EROGE. "eroge" means "Japanese erotic game" , called generality like "Hentai Games" in Westerner World.
The unique objective of NTR is to play with the "jealous feelings" of the player.
In NTR games you play like a MALE PROTAGONIST that love a girl in the game. However, for some reason, this girl BETRAYS the protagonist and screws the other guy.
3 kinds of NTR exsist, with B type broken into three parts :
NTR Type A ( consensual sex )
The Girl Knows she is cheating and gets pleasure out of it.
NTR Type B-1 ( Manipulated-consensual sex )
The girl does not want to have sex, but the bad guy Black mails, manipulates or other wise tricks her into it, and after a while she starts enjoys it thoroughly.
NTR Type B-2 (Intentionally Manipulated-consensual sex) or (Voluntary NTR). This is where the protagonist deliberately manipulates the situation, or flat just convinces there lover (who would never do it originally) to Intentionally Cheat on them. Either because the Protagonist enjoys it, or the girl is deliberately pushed away and put into situations where they would cheat. All orchestrated by the deliberate actions, or inaction's of the Protagonist. This is basically Type B-1 but from a completely different Direction and Intention.
NTR Type B-3 ( Rape-Till consensual sex )
The girl does not want to have sex, but the bad guy Rapes her constantly Until she comes around to loving it.
NTR Type C (Watching your significant other get raped)
This is barely NTR, this kind is purely watching the girl you like/love get raped in front of you while you are helpless to stop it.
NTR is primarily from the Males Perspective, the one getting cheated on, but there are games that show it from the girls perspective, so you know what she is feeling and thinking while it is happening, or games that provide both.